Preemptive Maintenance Done By 3D Scanning

3D Scanning services Keeps thing going

What would it have been like to live before electricity? It is hard for me to imagine. Most of us might be tempted to think that we have roughed it before by going camping out at a KOA campground or something. Of course, we would have to ignore the fact that there were street lamps, lighted bathrooms and electric water heaters for the showers. Even if we didn’t use those things, we were probably still checking our messages on our mobile phones. Let’s face it, nobody who lives in this country goes completely without electricity. About the closest we every get to that is when there is a powerful storm that blows through and takes down the power lines. We panic for about thirty minutes and then sigh in relief when it comes back on. Not many of us think about what they do to keep those powers lines going. One of the technologies that power-line maintenance engineers use to keep it all up and going is 3D scanning service.

Finding problem before they happen

Power and communication lines must be inspected to guarantee that they are in good working condition. Outside factors like vegetation growth can interfere with that. The most common way to carry out line inspections is to sent crews out in cars to drive along the lines to do visual checks. In harder to reach places, helicopters have been used to fly the line routes. They have to look for damaged lines, or even potential dangers that might cause future problems. For example, they might see a tree limb that looks like it may fall off and take down a power line. Some preventive action would save trouble down the road. The problem is that inspecting so many lines can be a cumbersome task since transmission lines are going everywhere. For this reason, new technologies like 3D scanning services LiDAR, which is a light detecting radar, and drones are being used to carry out the task. The result has been that maintenance crews are getting things done faster and cheaper.

3D scanning does it better

When most people think of a drone doing transmission line inspection, they probably think of a guy wearing a hard hat with a remote control. That is not what is happening in this case. Technology is getting smarter than that. In fact, you can go on your coffee break or do some other work while it gets the job done. Machine learning and drone technology has made the whole job automated. Drones can find the path of the transmission lines and do their own scanning. That makes the job even less of a burden. There is a massive amount of data that needs to be collected, and it can be done independent of any worker. Not only that, but the 3D scanning services data is very accurate and can be analyzed off site.

3D scanning services technology could be the reason why you have power right now. All of that preemptive maintenance goes unnoticed. The eye in the sky, though, is making sure your shower is hot and the mobile phone stays charging.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning

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